"My #1 PASSION is helping people with their dogs, and I've dedicated my entire life to it..."

Chris Onthank

You deserve to have the best relationship you can possibly have with your dog.

Passionate and professional canine coaching from an expert animal behaviorist who has been helping dogs and their humans for over 35 years. 

Some of my best-known training techniques include using body language and posture in ways that get them to respond immediately.

I always get such a kick when my clients look at me in amazement over how quickly we address problem behaviors and replace them with desirable ones.

I teach pet parents to use the tone of their voice to mimic the naturally occurring instinctive sounds dogs use to communicate with one another. It is within this language that dogs are most receptive to learning, making it easier to train them to be the very best companions. From simple jumping to serious aggression, the groundwork is the same.

There is a mutual respect and love that clients and their pets develop which may just be the secret sauce to being a true master. 

The Canine Master Method

I am a life long professional dog trainer who has worked with clients and their dogs for the past 35 years. I help owners “master the relationship” with their dogs. Dogs taught using my positive motivational and instinctual methods are happier, healthier, and calmer. It's all about the relationship in building reliability and consistency to live the best life with your animals.

I have found that talking like the animal is more effective than talking to it.

Dogs already understand an instinctual language so we need to communicate in a way they understand to teach them the behaviors we want. 

 Ditch the Stress, Not the Training!


Need a well-behaved dog but short on time? The Canine Master Virtual Training is your solution! Our effective training methods ensure your dog becomes the reliable and joyful companion you’ve always wanted. Perfect for busy lifestyles!


Puppy Tips

Is this a toy?
Many people will give their puppy an old shoe to chew on as a toy. This is a big mistake as you are teaching your dog to chew shoes in general. Before you know it, all shoes in the house fall to your dog. It’s a much better idea to let your dog know from the start that shoes are off limits for him!
Socialize, socialize, socialize!

(Click on photo to Download the Guide)

🐶 Getting a
New Puppy 

but stressing over what supplies you will need?

This FREE checklist will explain everything you will need to make raising your new puppy easy, enjoyable and stress free!


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Are you READY for your NEW PUPPY?

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