The Growing Coyote Problem

The stories started a few months into the year. Coyote sightings were on the rise. We thought it was a local happening but then we heard about sightings and attacks in neighboring states. Here in Connecticut, the stories were from New York and then Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Speaking to clients from other states who relayed the same information and I realized that it was national phenomena.

Experts estimate that every state in the contiguous US has seen an increase of coyote...

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6 Tips for Keeping Your Senior Pet Healthy

It can catch you by surprise. One day, your dog is an overly enthusiastic young puppy and the next, someone tells you he’s a senior. But while some senior products are labeled for dogs aged seven and up, the actual age varies. A larger dog may hit “senior” status as young as five, while smaller dogs can sometimes go all the way to age 10 or 11 before officially becoming seniors.

Whether your vet would classify your pet as a senior or not, it can never hurt to shift to...

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One Dog, Two Dog…Three!

Dogs are great. There is almost nothing like the love and loyalty and joy that comes with canine companionship. What is better than a dog?

How about two dogs? Or three dogs?

What about more dogs?

At some point every pet parent begins to ask themselves that most important of questions…Should I get another dog?

That is quite a question. And don’t believe for one second that there is only one right answer. Like many questions when it comes to pet parenting, it all depends. On you....

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My Dog is Absolutely Crazy in the Car!

When I was in my 20’s, I owned a Doberman named Tyler that would drive me crazy every time I would take him for a ride in the car. Since I had a job that let me bring my dog to work each day, Tyler was basically my shadow, and everywhere I went, he went. As soon as I would put him in the car to go to work, he would start to pace side to side and would whine, bark and cry out loud for my whole journey (about 30 minutes). I thought initially maybe he was scared, but he wasn’t...

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Hiring a Dog Walker You Can Trust

Dogs need exercise.

That’s a simple fact of canine life.

The amount varies from one breed to another with some breeds needing a ton more than others. But no matter the breed, a daily walk is good for both you and your pet.

A recent study found that dog owners added an average of 3 miles and 22 minutes to their daily walk average. The health benefits are quite real.

But lacing up your shoes, putting a leash on your dog, and pounding the pavement consistently can be tough, especially if...

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The Canine Master Complete Guide to Pet Proofing Your Home

Few things can be as exciting as bringing a new pet into your home.

But the experience can also lead to worry, especially if you are dealing with a dog that hasn’t been trained. Whether you’re adopting a puppy or a dog with a few years under his collar, there will be an adjustment period. Dogs can be curious. And that can lead to mischief. And that can uncover hazards and potential dangers throughout your home.

As a responsible pet owner, you want to prepare and create a safe...

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Is Doggie Daycare Right For My Dog?

I get this question from everybody when they find out I train dogs at a canine center:

"Is doggie daycare right for my dog?"

As the owner of Dog Gone Smart, one of the first doggie daycare centers in the USA, you might imagine I would tell everybody that sending your dog to doggie daycare is the perfect place for all dogs.

Well, this may shock you; I do not think Doggie Daycare and free play boarding facilities are the “right” choice for all dogs.

Many dogs love the...

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Traveling with Dogs: Tips For Bringing Your Pup Along

As a pet owner, when it’s time to travel, you have an important choice. You can board your dog or pay someone to pet-sit in your home, both of which cost money and have you missing your favorite family member. But another, growing trend, has emerged over the past decade. An ever-increasing percentage of pet owners now choose to take Fido on the road with them.

If you’ve already joined these pet-toting travelers, you probably already know that taking a dog on the road has a few...

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Cute and Pudgy? Or Dangerously Overweight

It can be tough not to shower your dog in treats and extra food. They give you so much love and affection, and nothing gets that tail wagging like something yummy. But more than half of all dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese, and if your dog is among that statistic, there’s a reason your vet may suggest you cut back a little.

We have some tips for getting the weight off, as well as details on the health risks those extra pounds bring.

Is Your Pet Overweight?

The first thing you...

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Treats to Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Just setting down a water bowl for your pets may not be enough, especially in the summertime. If you take your dog for long walks or have a strenuous play session, your pet may need even more. You’ll probably notice your dog heads straight to the water bowl after dinner or a salty treat.

Don’t count on your pet to know exactly how much hydration he needs, though. As a general rule, dogs should have one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. But you can supplement the...

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Learn why your dog is jumping up on people to greet them and how to fix this very common problem. It's easier than you think!


  • Learn how to stop unwanted barking here >>
  • Discover the QUICK AND EASY Way to Get Your Dog to Come When Called here >>


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